Home > Law school in New York, NY > NYU School of Law Review

NYU School of Law

Law school in New York, NY
Reviews: 15 | Overal Rating: Average


Review Left On 09/28/2019
Christopher Hammond

This law school claims to support students interested in public service, but I found that it fails in its commitment on many fronts.

NYU makes exceptions to its entrance criteria for rich, well-connected students. I remember that Alan Morrison, a rather mean professor, in spite of his impressive record working for Public Citizen for many years, withdrew from teaching for a year following my participation in his class, to avoid embarrassing his daughter, who was probably admitted due to his influence. I had him for civil procedure, and he earned the infamous hissing of the students during his class for reducing one student to tears by humiliating him in front of the whole class.

I got very poor treatment from Vice Dean Stephen Gillers, when I complained about the NYU policy of refusing to issue graduation gowns to students who didn't report their employment status following their 3L year. After financing a $150,000 education, that was a slap in the face to students, and basically amounts to blackmail. I reported my employment, but didn't attend my graduation in protest of this policy. Gillers told me I should just go along with the policy even if it was unjust.

I also had an issue with one of the lawyering professors in my 1L year, Fred Bernstein, who didn't like me because I challenged his assertion that we need to be dishonest during negotiations so we can get the best deal for our clients. After this exchange, Fred singled me out to humiliate me in front of my peers by telling them all that I was "arrogant." I was probably a bit naive at the time, but if someone pulled that on me today, I would go straight to the administration to report a professor who was trying to humiliate his students. Apparently, Fred is now an architect, which is probably a good idea since lawyers have to deal with lots of people, and Fred's people skills probably rate about 2 out of 10.

Another experience in "lawyering" class, involved a mock trial, where students were assigned roles in a fake legal proceeding. As each of my peers went through their legal arguments, I noted that they were exaggerating, and telling half-truths. We were asked to comment on the mock proceeding at the end. When it was my turn, I noted that I knew all these students, and that under normal circumstances, they were relatively straightforward and honest, but in this exercise, they resorted to all sorts of subterfuge to win their case. I questioned whether the adversarial system was not to blame, and that it twisted everything towards untruth and exaggeration. The professor in this instance was excited about this question and asked the other students to comment on my statement. The rich kids in my class had absolutely nothing to say about my comment, so the discussion died before it had even started. I found this very disappointing, since this school is supposed to be open to wide-ranging academic discussion, even that which questions the roots of our legal system. I became convinced that most of these students are just here to make as much money as they can after graduation, without regard to justice or fairness.

I had another negative experience related to NYU when I was en route to a trip to Europe a few years after my graduation. I happened to come out of Penn Station just as the convocation for a later class was convening. I asked permission to attend since I had missed mine for reasons already explained. I was allowed in, but before the ceremony started, NYU security escorted me out and told me they didn't want me there. I sent a letter of complaint to the Dean, and got a response which shocked me, since it contained typos, something I was taught to never allow with my own correspondence.

Later I attended the Occupy movement protest at Wall Street before departing for another trip abroad. I went to to use the library, carrying my sign protesting the bank bailout that used billions of tax dollars to save corrupt banks from their own crimes. I was told I could not enter the campus with my sign. This law school caters to the rich.
Review Left On 09/28/2019
Badr A

(Translated by Google) New York University is a private research university headquartered in the Greenwich Village in Manhattan, New York. The University, NYYU, was founded in 1831 and is today the largest private, not-for-profit institution of higher learning in the United States of America, with a growing student population. On fifty thousand.

جامعة نيويورك هي جامعة بحثية خاصة يقع مقرها الرئيسي في حي غرينتش فيلاج بمنهاتن بمدينة نيويورك تعرف الجامعة اختصاراً ب "إن . واي . يو " وقد تأسست عام 1831 وتعتبر اليوم أكبر مؤسسة خاصة غير هادفة للربح للتعليم العالي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حيث يزيد إجمالي عدد طلابها على الخمسين ألف.
Review Left On 09/28/2019

(Translated by Google) Oh, the fairy is my grandfather's sister
Before and after the Hanoi talks, Grandpa already had Google maps with universities around the world for educational photography. through
In the middle of sending a message like this
In August 2018, the articles of incorporation will be announced to major universities.
The situation in Korea was so cluttered that it was a stumbling block to the founding of the society, placing my species on universities around the world and looking at the Korean Peninsula.
You guys were left behind
I will conclude now

Liberal Democratic Party Power Politics
Poor educational value
It should be transformed into a free democracy, education
Congress is a national and international scholar
Must be configured
50% of professional political administration and economic law scholars elected by international academia
50% of the professional scholars elected by the Korean Society are responsible councils.
The Ministers shall be responsible for the birth of this same international government
Communist Socialism All snatching propaganda incitement will bring an end
The judiciary is also the same.
Under local government shall be subject to the decision the council
In accordance with this liberal education democratic unification Korea Constitution. Korean peninsula problems today
According to the flow of the international community
With accountability and security
Internationally in all fields
The administration made a North Korean nuclear issue
In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, in cooperation with the States concerned, they should be dealt with assuredly under the national governing law of the international law, not political
The establishment of a nation through the exercise of the right to self-determination, which is the basis of national unification, was adopted as a UN Security Council resolution.
Can ferment

This is not necessarily the UN Security Council
Permanent members of the Council organizations in eight countries (Japan,
Germany Canada Australia Brazil
India, Saudi Arabia, and Israel) to see the future
Do it well academically
Communist socialism in China and Russia is over, and the liberal democratic market economy is also coordinated by the International Academy of Education.
As a source of law
Academics are revealing bars
Coverage is your professional academics who decide
You should appreciate the efforts of those university officials

오선녀는 할아버지 여동생이다
하노이 회담 전후하여 그리고 그이전에 할아버지 는 교육역사진행을 위하여 이미 전세계 대학들과 구글 지도를. 통하여
이렇게 메시지를 전송하는가운데
학회 창단을 위하여 정관 발표를 2018년 8월에 주요대학에발표하고
한국상황 이 너무 어수선하여 이로인하여 학회 창단에 걸림돌이되어 전세계대학에 나의종을 올려놓고 한반도 문제를 바라보게 하였다
너희들은 뒤에 찿게되었다
이제 결론을 내려주겠다

자유민주주의 정당 권력정치는
교육 역사가치에 미흡하였다
자유교육민주주의로 탈바꿈 하여야한다
의회는 국내외 전문 학자들 로
구성하여야 하며
국제학계가 선출한 전문 정치행정 경제 법학자분들 로 50%
국내 학회 가 선출하는전문 학자분들로 50%로서 책임 의회를 말하며 또한
각료는 이와동일한 국제책임정부를 탄생하여야한다
공산사회주의 모든 날치기 위장선전 선동 행위가 종말을 가져올것이다
사법부역시 동일하다
이하 지방정부는 지방의회 결정에 따른다
이 자유교육 민주주의 통일 대한민국 국제헌법에의거하여. 오늘날 한반도 문제가
국제사회의 흐름에따라
모든분야에걸쳐 국제전문학적으로
행정이 이루어져 북한의 핵문제가
헌법 규정에의거하여 관계국들과 협력하여 정치적이 아닌 국제 법학 지역 국가 통치법하에서 보장성 있게 처리되어야하며
민족통일의 근본인 민족자결권 발동을 통한 국가 성립을 유엔 안보리 결의안으로 채택되어 통일 국제대한민국 헌법을 유효
발효할수 있다

여기에는 반드시 유엔 안보리
상임이사국 이사회 조직 8개국(일본
독일 카나다 오스트레일리아 브라질
인도 사우디아라비아 이스라엘)을 증설하여야 미래를 바라볼수있다
학술적으로 잘 풀어보거라
중국과 러시아의 공산사회주의 는 끝나게되며 자유민주주의 시장경제 역시도 국제 교육학회가 조정한다
나는 법의 원천으로서
학술이가는 바를 밝히고있다
적용범위는 전문 학자분들이 결정할사항이다
너희대학 관계자분들의 노력에 감사한다
Review Left On 09/28/2019

(Translated by Google) Hi
Visit the New York University and
I couldn't visit the law school.
Beautiful New York University is next to Central Park and is beautiful

Now let's send the long message to law school
I'll write
Siberian Tungus
Normal of truth and the source of law
It is the birthplace of culture and civilization that started human history 8000 years ago.
Proud to be the world's largest forest
That make up the Lake Baikal and the Angara River because the district center of the continent literacy
Humanity is the greatest civilizations of today's tenacious perseverance and hard work for many years
This involves scientific and technological civilization by means of truths
Because it has been connected.
Mankind is in so much pain
I've been following the sadness of tears
The grief comes from the desire for human domination
By the birth of power
Out of harmony with nature
It comes from providence.
We've now come time to increase the value of new educational history of mankind more you explore the history jinaon
Liberal democracy and communist socialism
Dominates human society today
Now we have to break with liberal democratic party politics
Should be towards democratic liberal education
Meanwhile, the scam disguised propaganda in order to destroy all human society
To suppress the freedom and rights of citizens
Dictatorship fraud and theft
Bunch regime which destroys human society across all sectors in order geteupnida should disappear from the history
The World War II war like yesterday
International Organization for World Peace to wash the pain and suffering
Founded the United Nations
War continues, human sufferings and sorrows increase
The environment is destroyed, and the value of education is a slave to the regime.
You can see

Today. While it is undergoing the Government of the Republic of Korea and the birth of 6,25 war culture that has a history in eternal poverty and suffering and grief as the breath of the traditional arts. Reviving the indomitable spirit of education
Despite the appalling acts of interference and disturbance communist socialists and the international community
We have developed steadily by wisely collaborating to raise the educational value.
Here we can see the flow of human history
You have to look again

But communist socialists
With all sorts of good terms
Destroy the educational value and had thirteen fraudulent propaganda and morale impeach President Park Geun-hye
Deceiving the international community
In collusion with the regime of North Korea disgrace semblance good value for the purpose of regime competition to win irresponsible and dreaming of a unified federal system without considering protection-type insurance began to ignore the international community to pursue political parties gwonryeokhwa
In the final step communism
The purpose of the deception and the United States eased sanctions and UN resolutions off scam tactics
Hoekchaek but the bucket was hung gender and protection-type insurance liability
The regimes of the two Koreas are already scarecrows.
Are doing their best
To build a disguised law network
I'm trying to be a minister.
To snatch the election law hoechaek the regime and even to extend the operation was to e gaepyogi
Or screwed called
It was destroyed
Japan has already entered the sanctions in order to prevent the outflow of North Korean exports in the neck security level
But they do not have a western sea
Military demarcation line one island. To let the North Koreans occupy it and raise the artificial flag.
Show off a threat
Now they are
As a public offering, he deceived the people and the international community and reached 95% of Korea's national federations.
I was able to do so
Due to the US administration's domestic trump impracticable denuclearization negotiations and appeasement
Led to the empowerment of the communist regime
How many communist and socialist groups were rampant and dominated the domestic broadcast media and communication media and control of the armed forces
Take control of state institutions
Foster incitement propaganda group
Neutralize insurgents
Even textbooks praise North Korea
Now that North Korea Kim Jong-un is seeking a way to free the South Dwarf
Both inside and outside the regime is only a deceptive tactic
Underdeveloped Communist Socialist Countries Base Their Weapons Production

뉴욕대학 을 방문하며
법대방문을 하지못하였읍니다
정다운 뉴욕대학 센트럴 파크 가 옆에있고 아름 답읍니다

자 이제 장문의 메시지를 법대에
써 보겠읍니다
시베리아퉁구스 는
진리의 정상이며 법의 원천입니다
8000년전 인류최초 역사를 시작한 문화와 문명의 발상지 이며
바이칼호수와 앙가라강을 이루고 있는 지구대륙자력의 중심지이기 때문입니다
인류는 오랜세월 끈질긴 인내와 노력으로 오늘날 의 위대한 문명 을
맞이 하였읍니다
여기에는 학문의이치를밝히는 진리에 의하여 과학 기술 문명을
인류는 많은 고통 속에서
눈물을 흘려야되는 슬픔을 연속하여 왔읍니다
그슬픔은 인간의 지배욕으로부터
권력 탄생이 이루어짐으로서
자연과의 조화를 이루지 못 하는
섭리에서 비롯되었읍니다
이제우리는 지나온 역사를 살펴보면서 새로운 인류 교육역사의 가치를 더높여야 할 때가왔읍니다
자유민주주의와 공산사회주의는
오늘날 인류사회를 지배하고 있읍니다
이제우리는 자유민주주의 정당 정치를 청산하고
자유교육 민주주의를지향하여야 겠으며
그동안 인류사회 모든 질서를 파괴하고있는 위장 사기 선전선동을
일삼으며 정권에의한 권력으로 시민의 자유와 권리를 억압하고
독재만행으로 사기와도둑으로
인류사회전체모든 분야질서를 파괴하고있는 정권무리들을 역사에서 사라지게 하여야겠읍니다
엊그제와같은 세계제2차대전전쟁의
고통과아픔 을 씻기위하여 세계평화를위한 국제기구인
유엔을 창설 하였지만
전쟁은 계속되고 인간의 고통과 슬픔은 증가하며
환경은파괴되고 교육가치는 정권권력의 노예가되어 있다는것을

오늘날. 대한민국 정부탄생 과 6,25전쟁 을겪어면서 가난과 고통 슬픔속에서 유구한 역사가 가지고있는 문화와전통 예술의 숨결로서. 불굴의 교육정신을 되살려
공산사회주의자들의 지독한 방해와 교란 행위를 무릅쓰고 국제사회와
슬기롭게 협력하여 교육가치를 더높히면서 발전을 거듭하여왔다
여기서 우리는인류 역사의 흐름을
다시한번 되살펴 보아야한다

그러나 공산사회주의자들은
서방세계의 온갖 좋은 용어를가지고
교육가치를 파괴하고 사기선전 선동을 일삼으며 박근혜대통령을 사기 탄핵하고
국제사회를 기만하며
북한 치욕의 정권과 결탁하여 정권쟁치를 승리 를 목적으로 허울좋은 무책임하고 보장성 없는고려연방제 통일을 꿈꾸고 국제사회를 외면하고정당 정치 권력화를 추구하기 시작하였다
마지막 공산화 단계에서
미국의 제재완화와유엔 결의안 해제를 목적하고 기만 사기전술을
획책하였지만 보장성 과 책임성에걸려 들통이났다
이미 남북한 정권은 허수아비상태이며 국고탕진으로
그들의 명맥을 이루어가고있다
위장된 법망을 구축하기위하여
장관직에 오를려하고있으며
선거법을 날치기하여 정권 연장을 회책하고 있고 심지어 전자개표기까지 조작하였다
이나라는 망했다
이미 일본은 안보 차원에서 수출품 목의 북한 유출을 막기위하여 제재에들어갔다
그러나 이들은 해상 통로를 마련하기위하여 서해
군사분계선 한개섬 이. 이미 북한군들로 점령 케하고 인공기깃발을 올리게하고
위협을 과시하고 있다
이제는 그들은 북한집단과
위장공모술로서 국민과 국제사회를 기만하고 국내고려연방제공산화작업이95%를 이루면서 마지막 법제화로서 골인하기에 이르렀다
이렇게할수 있었던것은
미트럼프 행정부의 실행불가능한 비핵화 협상과 유화로 인하여 국내
공산 정권의 세력화를 가져오게 하였다
얼마나 많은 공산사회주의 집단들이 국내 난무하고 방송통신매체와 언론을 장악하고 군대를 장악하고
국가기관을 장악하고
선동선전 깡폐집단을 양성하여
저항세력을 무력화시키고
교과서마져 북한을 찬양하게하고
이제는 북한 김정은이가 자유롭게 남한을 오갈수 있는길을 모색하고 있다
쌍방 정권은 오로지 내외부 기만 전술이며
후진국공산 사회주의 국가들로 하여금 무기 생산 기지화 하고있다
Review Left On 05/28/2019
Jassim Jesse

Review Left On 03/28/2019

Sounds like Andrew Weissman is headed here to teach. Hope he finds here the same cruelty and viciousness he has inflicted on others in the practice of law. He is a vile man and a shame to America.
Review Left On 02/28/2018
Keith Kavanagh

mediocre degree, dont know when I'll use it
Review Left On 02/28/2017
Treemonisha Hutson Conley

Beautiful Library. Attentive security. Great location
Review Left On 02/28/2017
Sahil Sk

Review Left On 02/28/2016
عبد الرحمن

This school splendor
Review Left On 02/28/2016
راوان البصراوي

(Translated by Google) I love America

انا احب امريكا
Review Left On 02/28/2016
fazli karim

I like this school but how I will take admission .
Review Left On 02/28/2015
Remo Caponi

Review Left On 02/28/2014
Rachel Antonio

New York University is a prestigious college in NYC. Come for a tour. It's in the heart of Greenwich Village. Stern, Tisch, and the Law School are the most famous.
Review Left On 02/28/2014
Christine McCann

NYU is awesome! Such a great location and atmosphere. Great shops and food very nearby. Washington square park is fun for college kids any time of the year.

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