Choose the Best Family Law Attorney in Schenectady NY

Gordon, Tepper & DeCoursey, LLP
Gordon, Tepper & DeCoursey, LLP Reviews

Review: We are working them on an adoption case and we have been met with love, grace patience etc.
The process has been smooth sailing fast and efficient.
We feel like old friends really.
It's extremely processional but also casual where it needs to be.
We feel safe protected and fought for.
It does not feel like we are just a number and they are out to get our money Read More

Litz & Litz
Litz & Litz Reviews

Review: Extremly bad lawyer he is very disrespcectful and has stepped into my face for not accepting plead deals on charges i did not committ we lost trial bc he didnt tell me the difference between a bench trial and a jury and im now convicted for a crime i didnt even commit Read More

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