Choose the Best Family Law Attorney in Saratoga Springs NY

Shapiro Canter Law
Shapiro Canter Law Reviews

Review: Lois Shapiro Cantor took thousands of dollars for services she incorrectly rendered. She conducted meetings in her car or at restaurants, instead of at an office. She messed up a divorce case I'm involved in so badly that not only did we have to fire her but hopefully she will soon be disbarred. DO NOT TRUST HER OR THIS LAWFIRM! Read More

Cordell & Cordell
Cordell & Cordell Reviews

Review: Do not hire this firm specifically for father's rights, or because of their ads about assisting men, men military, or any upper hand you believe you will receive from their advertising. Which I may add is everywhere. I sought them out for the purpose they advertise, dad's help. I was promised my best interests would be regarded, and told I had a bullet proof case. I could have hired a kangaroo and received better results. As a man, in a divorce, expect to spend money anywhere you go. As mu... Read More

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