Choose the Best Criminal Justice Attorney in Flint MI

Attorney Matthew L. Norwood
Attorney Matthew L. Norwood Reviews

Review: He helped me out alot "nice lawer" Read More

Clint Perryman – Criminal Justice Lawyer
Clint Perryman – Criminal Justice Lawyer Reviews

Review: Clint and Kathy are an amazing team. They helped us navigate the muddy waters with much more ease than expected. Always gave truthful, honest answers. This allowed us to prepare for the best and worst case scenarios. Clint is the attorney you want, if you want someone who will work in your best interest, give you the truth, and help you through tough times. Read More

Zerka & Vicari Attorneys at Law
Zerka & Vicari Attorneys at Law Reviews

Review: Al Zerka worked very hard for me and got me an unbelievable outcome! I was so pleased with what he was able to accomplish on my behalf. I definitely recommend Attorney Zerka! Read More

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