Choose the Best District Attorney in WI

Crawford County District Attorney
Crawford County District Attorney Reviews

Review: Kind hearted lady who really can see the unjustice in situations. I bless her and anyone who helped. Read More

Dane County District Attorney's Office
Dane County District Attorney's Office Reviews

Review: DO NOT WORK HERE. They will use you for the 6 month probationary period and then get rid of you at will-no cause. The paralegal manager likes spending her time hiring and firing people so she doesn’t have to do real work. It is a revolving door for paralegals. Most of the paralegals have only been worked at the office for LESS THAN 1-2 years. The paralegal manager wants an easy job for an easy retirement and she won’t let anything get in the way of that. Read More

Milwaukee County District Attorney Office
Milwaukee County District Attorney Office Reviews

Review: The only thing they're good at is being unbelievably inefficient and wasting countless people's time. At every level. Good job, Milwaukee. Read More

County District Attorney
County District Attorney Reviews

Review: If your a victim of a violent crime in lacrosse county you better hope Emily Eklund doesn't prosecute your case. She will revictimize you all over again. Read More

Racine County District Atty
Racine County District Atty Reviews

Review: Worst da in america Read More

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